I am having one of those nights where I really don't feel like sleeping. I mean, sure I'm up at this time most nights, but usually on these nights I wish that I would have gone to bed 3 or 4 hours earlier. Not tonight. It's 2:56 and I'm wired. I think it has to do with my 4 hour nap this afternoon followed by my upside-down-quad shot-soy-Caramel Macchiato (I had to put soy in their because they were out of milk, so I am NOT gay :)). Yep that'll do it.
I bet some of you are wondering why I named this blog 'The Enclave.' The Enclave is the birth place of this blog. The Enclave is my sanctuary, my hideout, my underground nuclear missile silo, my foxhole, my lair. Actually it is the space underneath my bed. I tied some sheets around the open edges so I can have complete privacy. It's pretty legit down here. I bought a memory-foam pad to sleep on and I have a lamp for light. It may sound boring to you. You might think that it's just the space under my bed, and you would be correct from a literal standpoint. But to me it is so much more. It's a battlefield, it's a Christian Pub (more on this in future posts), it's a plan to uproot ACU's meal plan system. It's wherever and whatever I want it to be. Down here, my mind explodes into thousands of ideas. I love my mind. My mind is the reason why I'm hardly ever bored. If nothing is going on, I simply dive into the bizarre mysterious of my brain. I create stories and scenarios and play them out. I know this sounds like something a four-year-old might do. Most people don't build forts and play pretend when they're 18. But if you know me, deep down I am still a little kid. I'm proud of it to, and I hope I never become to 'mature' to use my imagination. I think another reason why I love The Enclave so much is because it is sneaky and secret. I love sneaky and secret :)
I named the Enclave before I actually knew what it meant. I thought it was a fancy word for cave. It is actually defined as any small, distinct area or group enclosed or isolated within a larger one. The name still makes since though. Kyle named my room 'The Wine Cellar,' which is a different story for a different time, a few weeks ago. Since the Enclave is a distinct area isolated within the larger Wine Cellar, The Enclave is indeed an enclave.
So tonight I am writing to you from the depths of The Enclave. I really don't have much else to say? OH!! If you read this, you should definitely become a follower! There's a little link you click, and then you get emails and stuff whenever I write more posts. And you should also leave comments por favor.
Goodnight and enjoy the last week of classes!!