Currently Reading:

  • The Hunchback of Notre-Dame---Hugo

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Enclave

Good evening my fellow readers.

I am having one of those nights where I really don't feel like sleeping. I mean, sure I'm up at this time most nights, but usually on these nights I wish that I would have gone to bed 3 or 4 hours earlier. Not tonight. It's 2:56 and I'm wired. I think it has to do with my 4 hour nap this afternoon followed by my upside-down-quad shot-soy-Caramel Macchiato (I had to put soy in their because they were out of milk, so I am NOT gay :)). Yep that'll do it.

I bet some of you are wondering why I named this blog 'The Enclave.' The Enclave is the birth place of this blog. The Enclave is my sanctuary, my hideout, my underground nuclear missile silo, my foxhole, my lair. Actually it is the space underneath my bed. I tied some sheets around the open edges so I can have complete privacy. It's pretty legit down here. I bought a memory-foam pad to sleep on and I have a lamp for light. It may sound boring to you. You might think that it's just the space under my bed, and you would be correct from a literal standpoint. But to me it is so much more. It's a battlefield, it's a Christian Pub (more on this in future posts), it's a plan to uproot ACU's meal plan system. It's wherever and whatever I want it to be. Down here, my mind explodes into thousands of ideas. I love my mind. My mind is the reason why I'm hardly ever bored. If nothing is going on, I simply dive into the bizarre mysterious of my brain. I create stories and scenarios and play them out. I know this sounds like something a four-year-old might do. Most people don't build forts and play pretend when they're 18. But if you know me, deep down I am still a little kid. I'm proud of it to, and I hope I never become to 'mature' to use my imagination. I think another reason why I love The Enclave so much is because it is sneaky and secret. I love sneaky and secret :)

I named the Enclave before I actually knew what it meant. I thought it was a fancy word for cave. It is actually defined as any small, distinct area or group enclosed or isolated within a larger one. The name still makes since though. Kyle named my room 'The Wine Cellar,' which is a different story for a different time, a few weeks ago. Since the Enclave is a distinct area isolated within the larger Wine Cellar, The Enclave is indeed an enclave.

So tonight I am writing to you from the depths of The Enclave. I really don't have much else to say? OH!! If you read this, you should definitely become a follower! There's a little link you click, and then you get emails and stuff whenever I write more posts. And you should also leave comments por favor.

Goodnight and enjoy the last week of classes!!


Thanksgiving and Grammatical errors

Dearest friends, I apologize for the delay in writing. This is meant to be a near daily blog.

I hope all you have been well over the Thanksgiving break. I have been doing quite well myself!
On Thanksgiving day, I had the privilege of accompanying the Churchill family to their feast in Llano, Texas. It was yummy, and I re-met some people that I hadn't seen in about five years. Afterwards, Jon, Mr. Churchill, and I headed down to College Station to watch the UT-ATM game. It was quite the experience! I had never seen so many Aggies in my life. The game ended up being a little closer than I would have liked, but never the less my horns came out on top. I did learn a few things about the Aggie tradition however.

1. The aggies have numerous chants. One that puzzles me is the B.T.H.O. 'whoever their playing.'
This of course stands for 'beat the hell out of....' What I don't get is why 'The' gets its own abbreviation, but 'of' does not. Both words are insignificant and neither one should have an abbreviation, but if one does, surely the other would as well? I guess not. Grammatical fail by ATM? I think so.

2. I had heard stories about the loyal 12 man of Aggie land. Stories that told how every fan stayed to the bitter end, no matter what the score was. I was disappointed (or was I sniggering inside?) when the loyal fans started fleeing the stadium with 2 minutes to go when ATM missed the field goal. It wasn't just the everyday ATM fans leaving, but even the students were leaving in droves. So much for loyalty haha.

So in conclusion I gathered this much:

1. ATM needs to check their grammar. Or better yet, come up with a cleverer phrase :)

2. The famed "12th man" isn't as loyal as made out to be. I would even go as far to say as a downright disappointment.

3. If Reveille got hit by a car, I don't think I would cry.

4. Thanksgiving is quite delicious, and God Bless Christopher Columbus and his Indian-killing comrades for bringing this tradition to us.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How Queer!

I woke up this morning for my 10:00 class at 9:52, giving me exactly eight minutes to actually wake up, put my contacts in, put my clothes on, chug some water, swish some Orajel mouthwash, pee, and walk briskly to class. And guess what?? I was on time. This is my morning ritual Monday through Friday. Well, I guess on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have a 9:30 class, so the timeframe is 30 minutes behind, but whose counting technicalities? I knew it, everyone is. I feel like this routine roughly describes my life. Disorganized and chaotic. I prefer this lifestyle most of the time. It keeps things interesting. Plus if I was too organized, then Travis might think I was actually a good roommate. We wouldn't want that now, would we? But sometimes by inability to be organized makes me want to jump out of a window. If I had a good memory, maybe being disorganized would be okay, but my memory is awful! Let me rephrase: My long-term memory is actually quite good, and I surprise myself with some of the things that I can remember. Case in point, when I was almost 3 years old, my dear little sister was born during an icestorm in Michigan. The image that stick out in my mind the clearest however, is the baked potato someone had dropped in front of the hospital. I distinctly remember looking down and wondering, "How queer!" Actually I probably didn't think of the word 'queer' because I was only 2 and most 2 year olds don't know the word queer. Anyways, my short-term memory is atrocious. Sometimes I feel like Dorie from Finding Nemo. If I added up all the time that I spent looking for items that I had JUST sat down, it would probably equal to my entire life. It can be quite infuriating.

So after class I obtained my final chapel credit! I'm glad that's over with. Afterwards I had a 12-piece nugget and a chicken sandwich from Chik-Fil-E. With Polynesian sauce. That stuff is delicious! I think the only condiment that I enjoy more is Arby sauce. I can drink that stuff. While I was eating, myself, Kelcie Broom, Macy Facy, and Keith discussed the scandal of being ripped off by meal plans. I find this matter irritating. Especially this week, because it is Thanksgiving and I will not be eating in the bean, which means that I will have 8 plans that I won't have used. That's alot of dough! Then there's the matter of not being refunded Bean Bucks. This is a downright scam. A Christian university is stealing from its students. You can sugar coat it all you want, but in the end the students are being screwed. As If tuition wasn't already out the door... I think I might e-mail a complaint, threatening to sue. I probably won't actually do this. But it is fun to think about, and I get satisfaction and imagining all these powerful executives being locked behind bars, and me being the hero who saved everyone from this scandal.

Kyle asked me if I would like to help him move today. Me being the great friend that I am agreed without question. Little did I know. I got to his house with Michael Holeman, and we go to his garage. There awaiting us is a couch, a chair, an entertainment system, and a 10,000 pound pinball machine. Yes, you read correctly, there was a pinball machine. And it was heavy. We got the couch and chair with little difficulty. We then moved on to the entertainment system. Fellas, this sucker was heavy. Not to mention long. We had to move this thing to the second floor. To do this, we had to ascend about 15 steps, and then make a right and ascend another 4 or 5 steps. The hallway was also about twice as narrow than a regular hallway. Somehow I got stuck being the guy who had to drag the monster up the stairs. The other two losers got to push from the bottom. After a monumental struggle, a couple holes in the wall, and a drenched shirt we were able to finally get this behemoth upstairs. At this point, Kyle's dear mother went to 7-11 and bought us Double Gulps. These were lifesavers. In fact, I don't know if we could have gotten the pinball machine up without em. So, this pinball machine. The pinball machine made the entertainment system look like a girl scout. This awful contraption was much heavier. I again got stuck as the guy pulling with my back, while Kyle and Michael and some other dude got to push again. We finally did end up getting it up there, but goodness it was not fun. It paid off though, because Kyle's family took us out to Abuelo's! By the way abuelo means grandfather in spanish. Yep I just translated that.

My day ended with about 3 hours of super smash brothers. I can't really think of a better way to end a day. That's a lie, I can actually think of hundreds of better ways, but none the less it was a great close to a hard days work.

Good night!

A good morning to you!

Hello my dear friends! Welcome to my blog. I hope you are as elated as I am about it.

I'm not quite sure why I'm starting a blog. It's 3:32 in the morning, I'm exhausted, so logically creating a blog is the only logical thing to do. Since I didn't really give any pre-thought to this baby or come up with a theme, I guess this will just be a collection of my thoughts and experiences. I plan on posting my mind on here as truthfully as I can, which may get a little weird at times. If you don't like it, you can stop reading! >:( But I know that everyone of yall have been dying to crawl into my inner and outer lobes, so now is your chance. As far as the structure and and layout of the blog, it will be boring until I figure out all of the crazy tricks to spice it up. Bare with me. Ha, I just thought of a joke! I won't type it out, but it has to do with the homonym of the words bear and bare.

So! Without further ado, let us begin!