Currently Reading:

  • The Hunchback of Notre-Dame---Hugo

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Oh, the weather outside is frightful

I don't know if you heard, but IT'S SNOWING!! I didn't believe it at first, but as soon as I walked outside I was mesmerized by sheet of fluffy little flakes swirling toward Earth. I love snow. My love for snow is conditional though. I love it until my shoes get wet and my toes start turning black and then I'm not such a big fan. I do love the delights snow brings in West Texas like cancelled classes.

This afternoon was frightful. It was -50 Kelvin, and I had to go run in it. If you don't already know, I hate running, so you can imagine my displeasure at running in these ghastly conditions. And then my shoes got wet! I hate it when my shoes get wet!

However cold it is outside, The Enclave is deliciously warm and cozy. I recently acquired a thick blanket that is made from my Mom's Great Great Aunt's and Great Great Grandmother's outfits. It's a hideous thing to look at (and a little creepy when I think that old ladies used to wear this), but it is warm so I guess that's all that matters. What is it about blankets? They are so wonderful for many different occasions. Scary movies, cold weather, girlfriends, tents... so many uses! Now they have Snuggies so you don't have to worry about your blanket ever falling off. It even has arm holes so you can read and cook in it! You might think that the deal couldn't get any sweeter, but Au Contrair my friend! Snuggies now come decorated with your favorite college team! So if anyone wants to get me an Oregon, Michigan, or Texas snuggie, I will be your snuggle buddy for a whole day. Now that's an offer that's hard to pass up.

I really hope classes are cancelled tomorrow :)

Ok, so I have a story in my head. It came to me a couple of nights ago and it is epic. I plan on writing it. I have been planning to write several books for several years and have yet to write a chapter, but this could be the one! I need your help though. The tentative title is "The Author."
It's about a guy who writes murder novels, but actually goes and plays them out in real life chapter by chapter. It's creepy. I was scaring myself when I first started thinking through the story. But this is when you come in. The killer's first name is Bob, but I need a good last name. So you should post comments with suggestions!

And one last thing, if you choose to leave a comment, write your name down so I can see who wrote it! That way I can repsond.

I guess that about wraps it up for tonight so until next time, adieu adieu to you and you and you and goodnight.


  1. Okay, now I have read your blog and clicked on your ad. As far as a character name, what about one of the names from the game Clue, or one of the classic detectives like Marlowe or Spillane. That then opens the gates to character development by reading classic detective stories or playing sneaky games of Clue with clueless friends. Good luck in this endeavor.

  2. i have now read your blog and clicked on 3 ads. however, i'm still not going to be your first creeper. :)
