Currently Reading:

  • The Hunchback of Notre-Dame---Hugo

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Asian Sensation!

I am sitting in the library, surrounded by Asians. I'm not trying to sound racist. It's not everyday that I find myself outnumbered fifteen to one by Asians! I really love asians. Not in a creepy way. But they are just so cool! if it weren't for Asians, there would be no Little Panda for me to indulge in. Just the thought of no Little Panda... NO! I refuse to even think about it! We really owe a lot to Asia. Mulan is one of the best movies ever. Who doesn't want to walk the Great Wall of China?? We've already talked about their amazing food. We wouldn't have ninja stars or the the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Ninja's for that matter! And don't forget about Video games! Asians practically invented them. Austin Fleet is like a quarter Asian. What would I do without that guy?? They are swell people. If you don't know a person of Asian descent, then get up right now and go meet one and thank him or her for all of his or her contributions to this world.

Anyways, so I've been analyzing myself. I'm kinda at a point where I am kind of trying to figure out who I am. But honestly, I think that's a dumb question. Who honestly knows who they are? Sure, you can probably come up with characteristics about yourself like, "I'm funny, or I'm sophisticated, or I'm sadistic and twisted, or I'm just a caring person," but is that really who you are?? If that's who a person is, then I don't see the big deal in searching for yourself, because naming character traits only takes about five seconds. When people say that they are going to 'find themselves,' what does that even mean?? I don't really think you can lose yourself. Maybe you forget what you stood for, but lose yourself? Your right there! Why do you even need to know who you are? You portray yourself without thinking about it. It's not like 'discovering your self' is going to change the way you already naturally act right? I bring this up, because I have no idea who I am! It's a mystery, and I don't really think there's a set in stone answer. I think a better question is, "What the crap is God's plan for my life??!?" *dodges lightning bolt for saying "crap" and "God" in same sentence* That's a feasible question, because I feel like people mess this one up all the time. If you honestly know the answer to that, then you deserve a prize. The trick for me is distinguishing between my own thoughts and feelings and God's thoughts and feelings. Sometimes I have this insatiable urge to do something, and I think that it must be God, but then I'm like, "Well, this could easily just be what I want..." It's complicated! One of my pet peeves is when I hear Christians say, "God was just leading me here." You know what I'm talking about? Their eyes kind of glaze over and they use that airy voice in a minor key. It's ridiculous! What did God knock on your door and say, "Excuse me Mister, but you have to go to Canada next year." Probably not. Now I know this sounds cynical, and I'm not trying to pass judgment... But I just don't believe it's that simple. In fact I know it's not! I've seen people do some crazy stuff because apparently God came in a dream or something, and it ended up going all wrong. It's possible that maybe I'm just not looking and listening with the right perspective. I just feel like when God tells me His plan for my life, I'll know 100% without a doubt.

Well now that that's outta my system... haha sometimes I crack myself up with my rants. I don't even know if what I just wrote makes sense! Like it makes sense in my mind, but sometimes it doesn't translate well to words... My apologies if your left scratching your head :)

Have a baller week!

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