Currently Reading:

  • The Hunchback of Notre-Dame---Hugo

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving, Do We Even Gotta Question?

Happy Thanksgiving! Yes, in case you didn't get the memo, today is Thanksgiving! Man I sure do love Thanksgiving. There's so many positive things that go on during the Thanksgiving Holidays, I can hardly contain myself. I type this blog with a stomach that has expanded nearly eight times its normal capacity. This year, my family and my grandparents are staying at Quartz Mountain, a resort located somewhere in Oklahoma. It's pretty nice! Lunch today was amazing. There were so many options, I didn't even know where to start. Along with the traditional turkey and dressing, they had prime rib, leg of lamb, honey-glazed ham, crawfish, shrimp, crab-legs, sushi, and tons of other stuff! I felt like I was sitting at the start of the term feast in the great hall at Hogwarts. I ate so much! It was incredible. Times like now really cause me to reflect on Squanto and Samoset and all the pilgrims. I'd give anything to be at that first table! I can only imagine what that game of backyard football was like. You know the pilgrim men got their asses kicked by Squanto and Co. John Smith led a bruising D, but Christopher just couldn't get the offense going. Plus the Natives had Pocahontus cheerleading, which boosted their morale immensely. How I would love to circle around the turkey fryer, knockin' back homemade brews with my new found Native American Bros. I bet some funny jokes were told while the bird was cooking. Back then, the Cowboys always won on Thanksgiving day too. After the meal, they probably all gathered under Grandmother Willow with a cup of Verona, and listened to her tell old stories filled with wisdom and knowledge. Pizzaro and Cortes came up from Mexico for pumpkin pie. The fun only lasted so long. Pretty soon, the natives were tortured and enslaved, but hey, that first thanksgiving meal was one for the books.

The end of the Thanksgiving season means one important thing: The Christmas season can finally legitimately begin. If you've been listening to Christmas music, putting up decorations, or watching Christmas movies before today, then shame on you. Such behavior makes me ill. But nothings worse than major retail stores. I swear, Wal-Mart never even takes their decorations down. What ever happened to respecting each holiday in its turn? Poor Halloween... Halloween gets abused the worst. I can't imagine how it must feel to be overshadowed by a holiday 2 months away. That must be how Keith feels everyday with 4 older siblings. I prefer to acknowledge each holiday in its own turn. That way I can enjoy each holiday without any distractions from other holidays. And this way, no poor holiday gets left out.

Today marks the start of the Christmas season, and you know what that means. Yes, tomorrow is black Friday. If your like me, you've already got your routes planned out. I plan on arriving at Target at precisely 2:37 AM, so I can be among the first to enter the store at 4:00 AM when it opens. I plan to get my best deals there, but only spend four hours inside. After wards I will hit up various stores in the mall to clean up what ever is left. I've written up a detailed stretching schedule so my legs can be loose and ready to sprint when those doors open. Actually I'm lying, I have no intentions of waking up before noon tomorrow. In fact, I really think black friday is a little dumb. It's ridiculous how the most advanced species of animals (us) turns into raving rabid dingos when it comes to Christmas shopping. I even read a story a few years ago about a stampede at some retail store on Black Friday that like killed several people. There is something seriously wrong if you can consciously stomp over another human all in the sake of saving a few bucks. But I guess that just reflects what the holidays are really about... its all about materialism. That's really too bad. I hope that this season we can all keep the important things in mind, because that's really what it's all about.

Well, I'd say its naptime. Enjoy the rest of your Thanksgiving! And go Horns!

Barton's passed out, I pass the dressin'!

1 comment:

  1. Go Horns! And keep going! And take the Cowgirls with you!
